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Ramadhan 2020

Ramadhan mubarak everyone!

This year ramadhan will feel strange, due to COVID-19. I haven't seen my relatives in so long, I don't know what day it is. Uni assessments were all cancelled and I suddenly have so much time. So instead of twiddling my thumbs, waiting for lockdown to be over and everyone to be safe again, I wanted to use this time to learn how to cook.

Not only will it take up some time it will also keep me from constantly watching the news, which seems to be just be so negative.

I created a calendar of everything I wanted to make during this month. And now that I think of it, it is a lot. Seeing as half of them I've never made before. (Good luck to me).

I will be following my families traditional recipes, that I think is so important to pass down and hold on to. And what better time to learn than when we're all locked in at home, hungry and bored.

I'll be posting regularly on my instagram @thehalalgal_, so you can follow each day. And InshaAllah by the end of this, I should be a pro.

This is going to be fun, stay home and stay safe.. or in this case, stay home and cook! x



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